Years ago, I used Dr. Andrew Weil’s book, Eight Weeks to Optimum Health as a framework for many group classes that I facilitated at Gilda’s Club in White Plains, private schools and other groups near and far. What I loved about it was there were many many simple tactics that anyone could implement and get results.
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Clik here to view.When it comes to health, good or bad, its not just about the food we put in our mouths. We consume other things besides food that can help us or hurt us. Take TV for instance. When we tune in to one of those 24 hour news networks, we are consuming stories that are designed specifically to keep us watching. Its similar to junk food, what you are consuming is highly packaged and processed and of fairly low nutrient value. It is created in a way to keep you coming back for more and more, they want to addict you to the drama so that their sponsors pay good money for advertising time.
If what you’re watching is causing you stress, it is taking a toll on your health. Stress impacts our digestion, blood pressure, immunity and much much more. Click here to learn more about the many signs and symptoms of stress
Consider a news fast. It’s simple to do, just choose one day each week that you unplug from the news of the day. Instead of the radio, listen to music. Instead of the 24 hour news networks, watch a good movie or read a book. Give your body a break from all the stress…..notice I’m not naming names or issues…..we all know what I’m referring to. Once you’ve discovered that you feel better without watching/ listening so closely, bump it up to two days. You’ll be glad you did.
This is one of many tactics I’ll be covering in a new online course entitled Creating Peaceful Resilience in Challenging Times. Stay tuned for more info in the days and weeks ahead.
The post Another Type of Fast for Good Health appeared first on Dr. Susan Rubin.